Endless Winter

Another day, another foot of snow. Seriously. Another FOOT of snow. It was a good day to stay home and rest my back after shovelling out after the storm. I felt pretty macho after clearing ten feet of my driveway, but then I looked over and saw Ralph, my 84 year old neighbor, after he cleared about thirty feet of his driveway. He had it cleared down to the black pavement, while I still had an icy, uneven inch of snow covering mine. I need a break so I head across the slush street to chat with him. "I've been shovelling since I was five," Ralph tells me proudly. "My parents used to have to hide the shovel on me!" That's great Ralph. You octogenarian freak. Visions of white sandy beaches, hot summer days, and cold cans of beer fill my head as Ralph continues to brag about his shovelling prowess while a snow plow roars by us and sends a shower of muck our way. The joys of winter in New England.
Spring is coming. Oh, yes it is. And soon.
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