Penn Station NYC

After taking an Amtrak regional train from Bridgeport, Ct. to Penn Station in New York City, we had an hour and a half to kill before the Silver Star left for Miami. Because we held first class (sleeper cabin - or roomette) tickets, we were told we could wait in the Acela Lounge, where we'd have complimentary coffee, juice, and pastries at our disposal, as well as newspapers, magazines, and comfy furniture. I was able to check e-mail, scan the latest headlines on Boston.Com, and upload pictures, all while sipping my free java and wolfing down a yummy and especially fattening cinnamon bun. Hey, it's vacation, I'll work it off when I get home, right? We settled in and thoroughly enjoyed the lounge. In the pictures you can see Andrew and Laura learning about the Penn Station of yesteryear in a vintage black & white photo...right before we headed into the lounge. And the Silver Star is listed on the big board as being on time. The receptionist in the lounge told us she would make an announcement when it was time to board - and she kept her word. The train would ultimately leave a half an hour late due to the train being on a track without a freight elevator and unfortunate Amtrak employees having to make extra long trips lugging luggage to the baggage car. But at 10:55 we were on board and settling into our cabins (rooms 5 and 6, directly across from each other) in car 9111, the first car behind the baggage car, which was directly behind the two engines.
Labels: Acela lounge, new york city, Penn Station
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