Beer Can Museum Happenings

The mysterious inner workings of the mind of the Beer Can Museum curator.

My Photo
Location: Near Cape Cod, MA

I am constantly overwhelmed by the richness of life.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Beer Can Christmas Ornament

Today's little gem came from the Green Mountain State of Vermont a couple of years ago. Thanks go out to Rux Martin for this great contribution, which is hanging on the museum Christmas tree as I type this. Beer cans can be used in so many creative ways!

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Wednesday, December 10, 2008

I love a nice beer tray - I love two trays even more!

We were given a great pair of trays the other day. The first one is from the Prohibition era here in the U.S., when the Reading Brewing Company was renamed "Health Beverage Company", sometime between 1920 and 1933. Thanks go out to Clay Harper, originally from Chicago, for this wonderful addition to the collection. The other tray is from the 70's, and is a reproduction of a very colorful Utica Club tray depicting the West End Brewery, a great place that I've toured multiple times. When in Utica, enjoy the tour and the hospitality room afterwards. Cheers.