Beer Can Museum Happenings

The mysterious inner workings of the mind of the Beer Can Museum curator.

My Photo
Location: Near Cape Cod, MA

I am constantly overwhelmed by the richness of life.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Taunton, Massachusetts and the Liberty and Union Flag

The Beer Can Museum is happily located in lovely Taunton, Massachusetts (well, East Taunton, technically) and one thing that this historic city is known for is the 'Liberty and Union' flag that we flew during the Revolutionary War. The flag still flies in quite a few places around town, and it also flies on the side of a commemorative beer can from Iron City. I have an extra can that I plan to send to our Mayor, Charlie Crowley (big Taunton history buff) one of these days, but for now, blog fans everywhere can see the flag right here in cyberspace!

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Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Fox Deluxe

This Fox Deluxe can from the Beer Can Museum is an example of a cone top beer can. Cone tops were not the first beer cans, but they arrived in the marketplace shortly after the first flat top cans were produced in 1935. Brewers that already had bottling equipment were able to modify the machinery slightly in order to put 'crowns' or bottle caps right on the cone topped cans. They are always favorites among collectors, and museum visitors always comment on how they look like brake fluid cans. Cone tops never really caught on with consumers (although they were around for several years) who found them a bit....awkward, especially when attempting to stack them in a fridge or cooler. This particular can, which we found on E-Bay, either faded to an olive drab green color over time, or was possibly provided to troops during the Second World War. If you know more about this can please let me know!

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Friday, October 10, 2008

Beer Can Folk Art

This classic piece of folk art came from an E-Bay seller in Georgia. I couldn't resist, for obvious reasons. If you're ever visiting the beer can museum, be sure to ask for a private viewing. You see, this sculpture has a bizarre secret. That's all I'm going to say about it.
Enjoy your long Columbus Day weekend!

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Monday, October 06, 2008


The alumabottle is an odd sort of container. Is it a bottle or is it a can? Well, it's made of aluminum and that's good enough for me, so we have a nice selection of them in the Beer Can Museum. We sent this picture to the Polish TV station TVN's program "Dzien Dobry TVN" ("Good Morning TVN"), for a piece they are doing on the history of the beverage can. We also sent along a selection of images of cone top cans which they plan to show during the segment. We're always happy to help out our friends around the globe when it comes to education the planet about the wonders of the beer can!

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