Beer Can Museum Happenings

The mysterious inner workings of the mind of the Beer Can Museum curator.

My Photo
Location: Near Cape Cod, MA

I am constantly overwhelmed by the richness of life.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Museumfest Image du jour

Another museumfest is in the history books - a record turnout, sunny skies, good friends, lots of food, and some VIP museum tours made the day great. This year we headed out to the Barry Estate in Lakeville, Massachusetts to see the Hallamore Clydesdales. This guy seemed to need a root canal or two...

Additional pics will appear on the Beer Can Museum website soon!

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Friday, July 10, 2009

Can Openers

Wandering through some antique shops in Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts last week, I found a nice box full of old openers including some old church key models. In the beer can museum, it's always fun to place the appropriate branded opener next to an old flat top beer can that required said opener. Two of the openers shown here are domestic and one is from South America. Before pull tab cans showed up, a lot of effort went into opening our canned beers!

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Saturday, July 04, 2009

Happy Fourth of July from the Beer Can Museum of East Taunton

Happy Birthday America! Today we share two cans that depict the Declaration of Independence being either drafted or signed. Enjoy your cookouts, America, and appreciate all that we have in spiite of the hard times we're going through right now.

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