Beer Can Museum Happenings

The mysterious inner workings of the mind of the Beer Can Museum curator.

My Photo
Location: Near Cape Cod, MA

I am constantly overwhelmed by the richness of life.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Happy 75th Birthday to the beer can

On this, the (almost) 75 birthday of the beer can, I keep my post simple.

Looking forward to 75 more years of canned beers! (Why shouldn't I live to be 120?)

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Friday, January 15, 2010

The Who featured on this Schlitz breweriana

We have a longtime friend of the museum (Pete Loucks in Austin, Texas) to thank for this great piece of breweriana from the early 80's! Fans of 'The Who' and fans of 'Breweriana' should both appreciate this classic. Thanks for the donation, Pete! In the beer can museum's hallowed halls, it causes quite a big s-s-s-sensation! (get it?)

That must've been a great show!

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Friday, January 08, 2010

Black Label Beer Banner ad

This new piece of breweriana gracing the museum rafters gives new meaning to the term 'banner ad'! Many thanks to the curator's brother Scott for this fine Christmas gift that will be appreciated by fans of Black Label beer.

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