Beer Can Museum Happenings

The mysterious inner workings of the mind of the Beer Can Museum curator.

My Photo
Location: Near Cape Cod, MA

I am constantly overwhelmed by the richness of life.

Friday, May 27, 2005

Hey, we made the Boston Phoenix!

Well, it was an exciting week for all of us at The Beer Can Museum! The Boston Phoenix ran an excellent story on the illustrious brewing history of Boston (nice work, Mike!) and they were kind enough to include some nice words about our collection of breweriana. They even included the curator's ugly mug in one of the pics (aaaaaaaah!) and used cool terms like "arrayed in kaleidescopic precision" and "a wonder to behold." Check it out online for some interesting stories about beer in Boston (and, of course, the Beer Can Museum)!

Monday, May 16, 2005

Springtime and the fishing is good!

Well, in spite of the weatherman's gloom and doom prediction for the weekend, it was actually dry and pleasant! At long last, I dragged the fishing poles and tackle box out of the shed and headed out to the lake. For those of you that spend hours and hours on the Beer Can Museum website (way too many to name here!) you know that I like to post fishing pictures whenever possible. I also have many fishing related beer cans on the museum shelves. Yesterday, for the first time since my Lake Huron fishing days back in the late 70's, I reeled in a fat yellow perch. I released it, but memories of the perch fish fries of my youth have convinced me that any more perch that find their way onto my fishhooks will become that evening's dinner.

If you find your way to the museum some day, remind me to show you my beer can fishing lure!

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Springtime means fresh air

Well, May has finally arrived, and with it comes the fresh air (and hopefully fresh breath) of spring. I'll let the image below speak for itself. Keeping my kids from sampling these twenty year old breath mints has been a challenge over time - but so far they remain in pristine condition in the 'Chicago breweriana' wing of the Beer Can Museum. With any luck at all, my cats are busy tearing the package to shreds as I type this.

Cheers from the curator.